Convenient C# .NET Regular Expression Tester
Found a nice regular expression tester specifically for the .NET engine here. It'll even give you the C# code to replicate what you tested!
View ArticleGetting full path in Windows Service
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectoryIf you need the application path inside of a Windows Service you can use this property to get it. Something I always forget so here it is for easy reference.
View ArticleLINQToExcel OLE DB Excel Provider Column Types
Ran into an issue where the Excel OLE DB provider was saying a column type was unable to be set returning null for the columns values. This was happening because the first 8 values read for the given...
View ArticleFormatting a phone number in .NET
If you save your phone numbers as only numbers, eg., 5615551234then you can use this code to format it for display: string.Format("{0:###-###-####}",long.Parse("5615551234")); which will output...
View ArticleQuerying BsonIgnore fields in MongoDB using LINQ
If you have a BsonIgnoreIfDefault attribute on a property, that property will not get serialized and persisted to your MongoDB database if its value is the default for its type. The default for...
View ArticleUseful extensions for Visual Studio
Web Compiler: The easiest and most powerful way to compile LESS, Scss, JSX and CoffeeScript files directly within Visual Studio or through MSBuild....
View ArticleSetting up Redis on Windows with Chocolatey
Step 1Install chocolately ( cmd prompt as AdministratorRun the following:@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object...
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